6 Meter Band Plan (50.000 to 54.000 Mhz)



        in Mhz                                        Use


        50.000 - 50.100            CW and Beacons

        50.060 - 50.080            Automatic Control Beacons

        50.100 - 50.600            SSB & AM

        50.110                           SSB DX Calling frequency

        50.200                           SSB National Calling Frequency

        50.400                          AM Calling Frequency

        50.600 - 51.000            Experimential/Special Modes

        50.700                           RTTY Calling Frequency

        50.800 - 50.980             R/C Model Radio Control

        51.000 - 51.100             Pacific DX Window

        51.100 - 52.000            FM Simplex

        52.000 - 52.050             Pacific DX Window

        *52.000 - 54.000           FM Repeater and Simplex



        * Frequencies coordinated by Minnesota Repeater Council (MRC)  Repeater

        Frequency Coordinator


        1) This band plan is not the same as the ARRL plan in the ARRL repeater



        6 meter FM repeater pairs  52.010 - 53.99 Mhz

        (47 Repeater Pairs) 20 Khz spacing between channels

        1.00 Mhz between input and output


        52.010/53.010     52.250/53.250     52.550/53.550     52.790/53.790

        52.030/53.030     52.270/53.270     52.570/53.570     52.810/53.810

        52.050/53.050     52.290/53.290     52.590/53.590     52.830/53.830

        52.070/53.070     52.310/53.310     52.610/53.610     52.850/53.850

        52.090/53.090     52.330/53.330     52.630/53.630     52.870/53.870

        52.110/53.110     52.350/53.350     52.650/53.650     52.890/53.890

        52.130/53.130     52.370/53.370     52.670/53.670     52.910/53.910

        52.150/53.150     52.390/53.390     52.690/53.690     52.930/53.930

        52.170/53.150     52.410/53.410     52.710/53.710     52.950/53.950

        52.190/53.190     52.430/53.430     52.730/53.720     52.970/53.970

        52.210/53.210     52.450/53.450     52.750/53.750     52.990/53.990

        52.230/53.230     52.470/53.470     52.770/53.770


        6 meter FM simplex Frequencies


        52.490    52.510   52.525 (National Simplex Calling Frequency)